About Me

My name is Matthew Payne. I have previously served in pastoral ministry and have taught at various high schools. I am presently pursing a PhD at the University of Sydney. I have three sons and love teaching them the Bible, and trying to lead them as disciples of Jesus.

My passion is helping ordinary Christians learn the kinds of things that you normally only expect to learn by going to Bible College. I really believe that’s possible! You can expect me to try to stretch you further in your understanding of the Christian faith in ways that are accessible and interesting, and to direct you to good resources to help you keep growing in your knowledge and love of God.

Besides running Stretch events I also regularly preach in churches, and speak on conferences, camps, and to school groups. Please contact me if you are interested booking me to preach at your church or to speak in another setting.

Master of Arts (Theology), Moore Theological College
Bachelor of Divinity, Moore Theological College
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary), Western Sydney University 
Bachelor of Design & Technology, Western Sydney University 

What I Believe

Stated simply, I am a Bible-believing Christian. My theological convictions are best described as Evangelical and Reformed.

  • ‘Evangelical’ means that I believe that the Christian faith centers on the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that sharing and calling on people to respond to this gospel is of the utmost importance. 
  • ‘Reformed’ means that I identify with the major theological confessions of the Reformation and believe that God is in ultimate control of history and salvation and that his plans cannot fail. 

I firmly agree with the Gospel Coalition‘s Confessional Statement, and with the Canons of the Reformed Synod of Dordt (1618-19).

I also agree with the overall theology of classic statements of the Reformed faith including:

  • the 3 Forms of Unity: Belgic Confession (1561), Heidelberg Catechism (1563), Canons of Dort (1618-19)
  • the Thirty-Nine Articles (1563, 1571) [Anglican]
  • the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) [Presbyterian]
  • the Savoy Declaration (1658) [Congregationalist]
  • the London Baptist Confession (1689) [Baptist]

I have some minor theological disagreements with these statements (as they do with each other) but they represent the overall theological perspective that I share.