Book Release: The Theology of William Perkins

Perseverance of the Saints in Reformation Anglican Theology

1 John is for Assurance, not Testing.

Why its worth reading William Perkins’ “A Golden Chain” (1590)

Is a Christian still a ‘Sinner’?

The Gospel Story: an overview in Lego

Assurance in 1 Thessalonians 1-3

Christian Books worth Reading with your Children

Which is Easier to Say?

Why the Lord’s Supper via Webcam is a Good Idea

Love & Groceries (The Greatest Commandment)

Christians and Pandemics through the Ages (260, 1347, 1665, …2020)

What is Heresy?

Review: A Short Introduction to the Westminster Assembly and its Work (Rowland S. Ward)

Why the best Anglicans are also Puritans

Toilet Training and the Holiness of God

Jesus’ First Coming makes his Second Coming “Good News”

William Perkins on Faith and Assurance

Whatever Happened to Pursuing Godliness?

Review: Where to Start with Islam (Samuel Green)

David Bentley Hart & the Wisdom of Universalism [II]

Misreading David Bentley Hart on Universalism [I]

The Law in the Last Days

The Inner-Battle in the Last Days

Dyothelitism in Hamilton’s ‘Made Man’