Two Realms at War in the Last Days

The Last Days in the Bible (Eschatology 101)

Grace, Works, and Christian Employment

MA is a Warning that Mature Adults Will Take Seriously

Does the Old Testament Really have Too Many Laws to Obey?

The Day of Atonement: a Visual Guide

The Theology of the Tabernacle

A Tour of the Tabernacle

Exodus in a Nutshell

Boredom: A Symptom of Lives in need of Jesus

Why Read the Puritans?

‘Zombie Jesus’ and the Book of Leviticus at Easter

7 Ways that Jesus Changed Humanity Forever

Don’t Just ‘Prove’ the Resurrection. Explain why it Matters!

Cross AND Resurrection (a disagreement with John Stott)

When Decluttering is Idolatry

The Awkward Economics of Christmas Gift-Giving

Make “Resurrection Resolutions” (because New Year’s resolutions are futile)

Christian Freedom cannot be Lost

Exploding the Myth that “both parties are always to blame”

“Churches, watch over your ministry staff!” Part 4: Ten Points for Churches on Dealing with the Mistreatment of Ministry Staff

“Churches, watch over your ministry staff!” Part 3: Christian Practices that are Too Rarely Practiced

“Churches, watch over your ministry staff!” Part 2: The Challenges of Church Leadership

“Churches, watch over your ministry staff!” Part 1: Identifying a Problem that nobody wants to talk about

What is the Image of God?